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Michelle Kirkpatrick

About Power Reporter
"I want to thank you," she said, "for all your hard work in providing these rough drafts to us each evening" . . . "We just don't have power

Train your Brain for the CRR Test with Organization and Methodology - a Bullet Point List
Pat yourself on the back when you scratch things off the list because you’ve just decreased your hesitation and increased your speed . . .

How I passed the CRR
July 1, 2011 Court reporting test-taking sessions send me over the edge. I do NOT like to take these tests! It sends me back to my days of

The Aspiring Realtime Warrior
Originally written July 1, 2014; edited by staff for JCR print edition May 2017 As reporters, we all have the ability to write.

Realtime 101 and the Power of Your Dictionary
On October 1, 2015, in New Orleans, I had the privilege of participating in the first-ever STAR Talks: A group of short power talks . . .

The Power of "Practicing with Intent"
Gaining experience from writing on the job and practicing are two very different things.

The Power of a Solid Realtime Foundation
If your dictionary and your writing are solid as to the basics, then the rest of it is, arguably, something you can adapt to in the heat of

The Power of Solid Punctuation Rules
I've found the more solid I am in my reasoning on certain punctuation, the easier it is to insert it on the fly; infinitely easier, in fact.

The Power of Quality Realtime
If you start analyzing your theory, working on becoming more familiar with and tweaking your dictionary, and as you become stronger . . .

The Power of "Systematically" Editing Your Transcripts
Tackle your transcripts with the idea that you are dictionary-building and looking for patterns in your writing that you can improve upon.

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