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Introducing the "Power Reporter" series, a blog site filled with creative tools for the advancing reporter.
PowerReporter is designed to help reporters fill that gap between all that they have learned in becoming a seasoned reporter and in reaching the highest of their expectations and goals in their realtime writing and producing of rough drafts and same-day expedites.
As of the year 2023, I am adding another entirely new element to this theme: an upper tier to all of that having do do with *how* reporters charge for their services and in what ways they are proficient and *efficient* with everything that has to do with their time when their hands are not on that machine. Because anytime we are doing "business stuff" and our hands are not on that machine, we are losing money. We will explore some ideas and actual ways that each of us can maximize our opportunities to keep our hands on the machine as much as possible.
Please have a look around, and feel free to comment on any of the articles that grab your attention or that you feel you have something to add to! Being a Power Reporter is certainly a learning process for all of us.
Michelle Kirkpatrick
Freelance Realtime Reporter
and owner of
"Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime."
After graduating from Rough Draft Boot Camp, reporters will be invited to a private Facebook group designed especially for those who have completed boot camp and are ready to move on, individually but with the support of other like-minded Power Reporters, on that same "individual" journey to excellence!
The coaching process is meant to be secondary to Rough Draft Boot Camp. Reporters who spend a day hard at work "learning how to learn" in boot camp will benefit the most from utilizing my services as a Performance Coach.
Rough Draft Boot Camp is the first of the "Power Reporter" seminar series featuring creative tools for the advancing reporter.
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